the mug gleams ceramic and purple
hot lavender tea for stress relief
i lay on the floor and anticipate the phone call
daily ritual.
orange and mellow hues
turn blue socks to green
i rejoice in the delusion that my feet are growing grass.
neck fixated on the screen
comfort in discomfort.
i swallow purple and respire honey out my nostrils
she calls. i pick up the phone call.
daily ritual.
“Why are your eyes swollen? I chose the red one instead. Everyone else's children are posting pictures. Be like them. Be different. How do you make brown rice? You can't find Basmati? At least call me once a day! I'm worried about you.”
then door bells or someone looking
for the house owner, home maker.
i patiently answer questions and reassure things are fine.
daily ritual.
hot-water-ful; honey-ful; sweet-ful; lavender-ful; color-ful.
daily ritual.
fully loved.
daily ritual.
still, it is exhausting to be loved sometimes.
Written upon realizing how parental love is a privilege that can be taken for granted while taking it for granted.